Six Steps to Seven

Six Steps to Seven

Many neurodivergent children have a diagnosis of autism and “50% of parents of autistic young people reported their child had been unlawfully sent home from school or denied an education” in a 2019 survey. Many of our clients are out of education, and because of this,...
Autism burnout

Autism burnout

By understanding the causes of autism burnout we can help people to recognise, prevent, treat and recover from this phenomenon. In 2019 The Academy Autism Spectrum Partnership in Research and Education (AASPIRE) ran a study and much needed participatory research about...
Removing the stigma against Autism

Removing the stigma against Autism

Neurodiversity removing the stigma against Autism Numerous autistic individuals have embraced the neurodiversity system. The word neurotypical portrays the more significant part of the brain, whereas autism is an explanation for the presence of variety in the...
Early Diagnosis

Early Diagnosis

Good Idea for Children to Receive an Early Diagnosis Neurodiverse people have conditions related basically to the working of the neurological framework and mind. Instances of neurological conditions in children incorporate attention deficit hyperactivity disorder...
Personalised Practical Learning Strategies

Personalised Practical Learning Strategies

Cultivating motivation among the students is a troublesome yet vital part that educators should consider. Many instructors may have led classes where students were, inspired, engaged, and eager to learn. They may have seen classes where students are occupied,...