by Sonic B | Aug 22, 2022 | Autism Spectrum
Gender identity is how people feel about and describe their gender. Everyone expresses their gender in different ways, for example through how we act and dress. Whilst certain individuals happily identify with the sex that they were assigned to at birth, others do...
by Sonic B | Apr 1, 2022 | Neurodiversity
Neurodiversity removing the stigma against Autism Numerous autistic individuals have embraced the neurodiversity system. The word neurotypical portrays the more significant part of the brain, whereas autism is an explanation for the presence of variety in the...
by Sonic B | Jun 1, 2021 | Neurodiversity
When we start working with clients of CASS, we are very mindful of how they prefer to be described. Some people call themselves autistic, auties, aspies or say they have autism or aspergers. Comparatively, many clients don’t like being called autistic. I think what is...
by Kevin G | Aug 2, 2020 | Autism Spectrum, Neurodiversity
People are naturally diverse learners The idea of neurodiversity encourages the view that brain differences are normal and conditions like Autism and ADHD aren’t ‘abnormal’. By seeing neurodevelopmental conditions as simply variations of the human brain help us...
by Kevin G | Aug 2, 2020 | ADHD, Autism Spectrum, Neurodiversity
ADHD and Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are related in several ways Over recent years experts have changed how they think about the relationship between autism (ASD) and ADHD. Although ADHD is not on the autism spectrum, some of the same symptoms are evident and...